Here we are getting behind in updates. LOL! We are still in the waiting phase in regards to house stuff. Argh!! I can hardly stand it but it will all be worth it in the end. Corey has put in a call to our broker. Let's see if we hear back from him quickly. ;-)
Let's see...other updates:
I got my hair cut pretty short (for me) last Thursday. It was down a few inches past my shoulder and almost all one length. The gray hair is just coming in faster than I like and it was getting harder to color ALL that hair. LOL! Plus I had gotten into the "pull it back in a ponytail" rut and wanted help getting out of it. it came. What the heck, it is hair & will grow back if I don't like it. But I do like it. :-) It is above my shoulders and layered but still kind of long around my face. The hair dresser said it would be "soft" around my face but I'm trying to figure out if "soft face" is worth hair in my face bugging me. ;-) Funny thing is that hardly anyone has noticed. Oh well...
On Sunday we attended a friend's wedding. We had a great time and danced a lot. It has been a while. LOL! We were exhausted when we got home but it was great fun. Here is a picture of the kids dancing together.

Tuesday (2 days ago) we went to a preview party for the grand opening of the
Wild Oats store , which is a natural & organic foods store. We've been waiting for it to open. At the preview party they had
Tyler Florence from Food TV doing a cooking demonstration and signing books. We got to meet him and have him sign some stuff for us. It was so neat! He seems very nice & funny in person. The kids handled it all really well. I think Morgan was as excited as I was to meet him. LOL! So far we've met 3 of the Food Network chefs....Emeril, Alton Brown, and now Tyler. One of these days I am determined to meet Paula Deen! We all just love her and her cooking! Here is a pic of the kids and I with Tyler.

I just finished reading _Can You Keep A Secret?_ by Sophie Kinsella (author of the Shopaholic series). It was really funny in parts and ended okay. It was nice to read a book just for fun again.
Last night I went to a fun Pampered Chef party hosted by a homeschooling friend. It was nice to get out. I'm going to host a catalog party in May. I have ZERO room for hosting a party, especially a kitchen party here at the apartment and it will be worse by May when we have more packing done,etc. I'm hosting one in May because May is their "Whip Cancer" month and the hostess gift and the guest gifts are breast cancer inspired. If you are interested in helping me out and checking out a catalog let me know. I would really appreciate it and Pampered Chef has some nice stuff.
Corey is on call this week but it hasn't been too bad. He has been building servers and getting the environments up and running. Busy busy but going good.
We will keep updating you. :-) Thanks for checking in with us.