Bowling Tournament & Yard Work

Saturday morning we headed up to Clarksville for the TN USBC Youth Pepsi Tournament. The kids had to check in by 10:15am and would start bowling at 11:00am. We got there in time to see one of their friends as he finished up. He had bowled at 8:00am. Alex wasn't so happy when he realized that he and Morgan wouldn't be bowling on the same lanes....he was on lanes 1 & 2 and Morgan was down on lanes 15 & 16. After I spent some time reassuring him that I would be right there he calmed down and did okay. He met the 2 kids sitting at his table and they high-fived each other after they bowled. Corey and I switched off watching the kids so we could see both of them and they always had someone watching them. Both kids did very good and we are very proud of them.
Saturday night we had our own Twilight movie event. Morgan dressed up as Jane, the kids and I put on some vampire & werewolf temporary tattoos (vampire bites & werewolf scratches). Then we made popcorn and watched Twilight.
Sunday we went to Lowe's to buy a few things and do some research on a few other things we were thinking about. We are replacing our kitchen faucet with one that is taller and has a higher arch. Our current faucet makes it difficult to fill big soup (or beer making) pots and the dogs water bottle. We did research on some solutions for our fence (doggie escapes) and some deck furniture. We will be making a final decision within the next day or two. We attempted to do some family bowling but the bowling center was preparing for a huge league and had no lanes available..bummer. So after dinner we came home and had another movie night...this time watching Alex's new movie, Bolt. It is a cute movie.
Today the kids got some time to play on their laptops before starting school work. They like doing their math and grammar together upstairs. They each work on their own but in the same room. If they have questions they come down and talk to me. I'm good with it as long as they are understanding their work and doing it. :-) When they came downstairs we worked together on science. They enjoyed today's experiment...seeing that air has mass. Then we read a chapter in history and discussed it. We only have 2 more chapters and then we move on to the middle ages. Yea!! Late this afternoon we all worked out in the yard. We had some cleaning up to do from trees and branches down from winter storms. Then Alex and Corey mowed the back yard. I turned & aerated the compost pile. While Corey finished the back yard, the kids and I went out front and dug up 2 trees...1 dead and the other growing out from under it. Morgan also pulled some weeds.
Tomorrow my mom is coming over with Stoli, Remy, and Molly and we are going to take all 5 dogs (those 3 plus our 2) for a walk. Morgan has dance. Then we are having our neighbors over for dinner...mojo pork roast, black beans & rice, and corn pudding. Yumm!
I'll sign off with this picture that Alex took of our first spring flower, near our front door.