Very Blueberry Muffins
Yesterday I wanted blueberry muffins and Morgan wanted to help make them. Well, she did 99% of the work so these are her blueberry muffins. I had never tried this recipe before but we love it. It was easy and we got to make it fun. In a book I read a while back someone was making blueberry muffins and they added blueberry pie filling to the batter so that the blueberry taste would be in every bite, not just when you bit into a blueberry. So we mashed some of the blueberries with a fork and added them to the batter. Look at the color of the batter!! It was this gorgeous shade between lavendar and a light plum. Yummy! We were all eating them the second they came out of the oven. We even managed to save a few and share with our next door neighbors. They've put up with us going on & on about all the blueberry pancakes & such that we've been eating so we thought we would let them in on some of the yumminess. :-)

Don't those muffins look delicious?? They were, trust me. I seem to be running a day behind on posting but that's okay. We don't always have exciting stuff to share. LOL! Today we got our school work done, did some HP projects and some reading and then headed to the library. Corey baked a loaf of bread for a friend that is a "breadaholic". When I took Morgan to hip hop class I saw our friend and gave her the bread. It was still warm from the oven and she was beyond thrilled. Corey had an emergency work issue so I made dinner and somehow we timed it just right and he was done as dinner was ready. It doesn't always work out like that. We still have snow but our temps are supposed to go up so what is left will disappear quickly. The dogs like to find the icy chunks in the strip of snow we have in the back by the fence.
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