Today was Alex's first soccer game. He was so cute in his uniform and during their practice session before the game. He was very nervous and quickly became overwhelmed by the whole thing. He ended up not playing during the game, despite doing very good during practice. Afterwards he told us that he will have a good practice on Monday and will play next Saturday. I hope so! We shall see. He has never been involved in anything like this and you could see how it overwhelmed him. Another little boy was having trouble too so at least we weren't the only ones. LOL! My mom and brother (and 2 of his dogs) were able to come watch the game. My mom is doing pretty good after her epidural cortisone shot yesterday and was able to walk across the parking lot & the soccer field really well (something she could not have done before without a lot of pain & trouble). We had them over for lunch afterwards.
Earlier in the day we took the kids to Lowe's workshop and they each built a bird house. They are getting really good at hammering nails in and look forward to the workshops at Home Depot and Lowe's each month.
We got a really GOOD rain late this afternoon/early evening. We desperately needed it as it has been bone dry around here. We lost power for about 30 minutes and the kids had quite the time figuring out why the internet wouldn't work even though my laptop still did. LOL! Ahhh, amazing what lessons come in the course of an ordinary day.
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