May 6, 2009

CSA week 1

CSA week 1 bounty! Check out our first box. Just harvested, farm fresh produce. Nothing is better. I promise you! If you have access to a CSA, farmer's market or something similar then you must check it out. The taste of just picked fruits and vegetables is monumentally better than anything you can find in the grocery store. Even my little picky guy will eat more veggies since we've been getting them from the farm. The CSA we belong to is Avalon Acres . Just scroll down past the picture of our first box to see each delicious thing that was in our box. :-)
Strawberries...just the beginning. They smell & taste so sweet!

Buttercrunch Lettuce



Radishes - 3 varieties
Cherry Belle (solid red), Easter Egg (purple) and Burpee Whites

Romaine Lettuce

French Breakfast Radishes

Loose Leaf Lettuce


And last but not least, spring onions

We also receive a meat & eggs package and this week it included: 1 dozen eggs, 1 ground beef, 1 package of pork chops, 1 package of sugar-cured bacon, and 1 whole chicken.
Oh the deliciousness! Everyone has already eaten a strawberry out of the box and Morgan is preparing a nice big salad for lunch. We look forward to the next 26, well 25 now, weeks.


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